Comments (4)
Um dos melhores Mugens que ja vÃ, uma pena o cancelamento
This project looks awesome, as a Mega Man X fan and fighting games I was waiting for this for too much time.
Will you add more characters in next updates?
Mega Man X Fighting Arena - Demo 2019 EX(TEND)

What is Mega Man X - Fighting Arena?
Is a 2D #fightinggame #fangame without any type of microtransactions or lootbox, and developed by AlexDX4 (code) and FXFreitas (sprite), with the small collaboration of CommandMissionFan (Rods.), Rocklu, IrregularSaturn, dragonfaku and many others.

More Info:
6 playable characters: X, Zero, Axl, Alia, Iris, Final Sigma W, X Command Mission (plus X-Fire Armor);
Normal Attacks can usually cancel into one another, generally following the order: (L)ight > (M)edium > (H)eavy;
Action Trigger: Are the unique abilities of each character in the game, in other words, is the signature move representing each character and their Play-style, for example: X's Charge Shot is his Action Trigger.

What is Mega Man X - Fighting Arena - Final Edition?
It's an update and final build of the canceled project Mega Man X - Fighting Arena, it's being developed by AlexDX4 (code and everything else) and with help from Maryam Shoker (Artist(draw renders and mugshot)), and the rest of the team left the project between 2019 and 2020.
[ Mega Man X Fighting Arena - network: ]
Fan Twitter: https://twitter.com/fightingarenax (@FightingArenaX)
Dev Twitter: https://twitter.com/alex_dx4 (@alex_dx4)
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@AlexDX4
Maryam Shoker (Twitter: https://twitter.com/maryamshoker (@MaryamShoker))