
Comments (8)

What do you think?

That actually Looks Good.

Good game!

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Sonickid.EXE is a fan-made indie horror game by me. But it's also an OC game, which includes me getting myself into serious situations! Will I ever survive? (probably not)

NOTE: All textures, sprites and assets belong to @The_PorteWeeker A.K.A Yolkin_Fan, @JBM , @MY5TCrimson , @EndaTheStar and @EdyDude . All credits and names will be on the game over screen and the READ ME file.

Oh shit, by me updating the game, I just now realized that I forgot to credit @EdyDude in this game since he technically owns Silver.EXE now. But fear not! If I get a chance and start making Version 2 or release another bug fix patch, I'll put you in the game credits, this time with the other developers.

Game Version: 1.5

Release Date: September 13th, 2024

#horror #fangame #platformer #exe #creepypasta

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore

That's right folks! Version 1.5 is here!!!

Oof, I forgot I even made this game lol. I might have to rework some stuff here before I work on the actual update. I think I'll release a few fixes, like fixing the freaking low-quality sprites and polishing them a little. I'll come up with something.

Version 2? 馃憖

Everyone else died, now it's my turn to try to survive...or not.