Comments (3)
Sad that there are no comments on this gamepage :(

"Your name is Myles, a 23 year old man who went bankrupt, and his family needs food but sadly doesn't, but then, as you were walking on the streets, you see a newspaper asking for a nightshift at Rat's Theater, you accept this job, but it didn't go as you wanted it to..."

Rat's Theater Reimagined is a reimagining of Rat's Theater, a game made back in 2022, with a short remaster of it coming out in 2023. Both games are old and didn't age very well (and are pretty awful ngl), this reimagining will conclude the story once and for all, Rat and his friends can't wait to play with you, one final time.
What you can expect to see in this game:
- Trophies
- Secrets
- New Characters
- Minigames
- And much much more!

@TF46 - The Game
FuntimeTrap6/Saniko - The Original Game
@Emilmacko - The FNAC Saga
@realscawthon - The FNAF Saga
@Morilix07 - Gamejolt API
Tigen Nas: Models for Rat, Candy and Cindy.
MistBerg: Model for Cat.

#fnaf #fnac #fangame #horror #fangame #survival #RatsTheater