Comments (4)
I feel like the flashlight has some problems I shine it staight into his face I die. I just spam the flashlight he went away once but the second time he just killed me anyway.
is game dead ?
this game has so much potential dude, and i love the old cartoon style. but..
the monster and flashlight are bugged, the monster kills you anyway even if you flash him.
the text at the start are illlegible because they go out of the border
other than that, this demo was really cool, and honestly, i cant wait to see the full version.
Remembrance (Chapter 1 Demo)
Ten years after an accident in the 30's; the law is now connecting all the murders to you. As a last ditch effort to prove your innocence you investigate around the warehouse full of Mascot suits, Rides , Projectors, and Past Mistakes.
#horror #pointnclick #textadventure #action #arcade #platformer #other #fnaf