
Comments (4)

What do you think?

I feel like the flashlight has some problems I shine it staight into his face I die. I just spam the flashlight he went away once but the second time he just killed me anyway.

is game dead ?

this game has so much potential dude, and i love the old cartoon style. but..

  • the monster and flashlight are bugged, the monster kills you anyway even if you flash him.

  • the text at the start are illlegible because they go out of the border

    other than that, this demo was really cool, and honestly, i cant wait to see the full version.


Remembrance (Chapter 1 Demo)

Version: 0.1.0almost 4 years ago
Chapter 1

Ten years after an accident in the 30's; the law is now connecting all the murders to you. As a last ditch effort to prove your innocence you investigate around the warehouse full of Mascot suits, Rides , Projectors, and Past Mistakes.

#horror #pointnclick #textadventure #action #arcade #platformer #other #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

I hope you guys enjoy this game :) i would love to make more chapters of this but I want to get some feed back on this demo and the general concept before dedicating that time. Have a good one

-Mr Aporia