
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Full Honest Review Of RTM2 TFC

In this review I am gonna be constructive about it. To be honest, its not that good. Not fully horrible, but not that great

  1. The Models and Rooms

    I know you have your modeling limits, but the models are just bad I'm sorry. I'd recommend to commission or request to have better models of the cast and rooms, or improve on modeling and room design as a whole.

  2. The Gameplay

    To be fair, some mechanics are unique, but i think that there needs to be a bit more balacing.

  3. The Voice Acting

    I'm sorry, but the voice acting is terrible. It sounds like that you are not having fun working on the voice acting part of the game, and all of the voices sound almost the same. I'd recommend hiring talented voice actors.

  4. The Bugs and Glitches

    The mask button will always be there when you are on the camera, and it can be still used while on the camera's

    Camera hitboxes are still there even if you have the camera down.

    and the last glitch I found was when I was on Night 4, during the night the animation of the camera was flipped. when the camera flipped up, I was back in the office, but when I wanted the camera up, the camera went down.

  5. The Animations

    They are just bad I'm sorry. Again, I know you have your limits. But you could of hired a talented animator.

    And finally.........

  6. The Writing and Story

    its just bland and uninteresting. Its so hard to understand due to the bad voice acting. If I where you I would hire talented writers.

    Overall, I give Return To Morro's 2 a 2.5/10, it is not very good. But I believe you have potential to be a better game dev in the future.

Yeah the games can't be the worst right..........................


The Return To Morro's 2: The Fancy Café

Version: 0.2.03 months ago
Report for bugs.

Welcome to The Return to Morro's 2: The Fancy Café


Its 2019, 2 years after the events in the 2nd Morro's Café. Fazbear Entertainment made another Morro's Café but with a fancy twist, they brought back the old Morro animatronic but gave him and the others fancy tuxedos. They also bought Caretaker and Deseral from the 2nd café and 2 new animatronics. John knew he had to investigate despite being alone this time after Thomas got spring locked and Paul is missing. But as John starts his night, he realizes that something is different about Morro.


I'm making this game because I wanted to make 1 last normal Fan game before my next one which will be very different


This is the final game needed in order to understand the story that is going to happen in FNAM 3.







Funtime Golden Freddy: Creator, Coder, Modeler, Game Design

Check out my YouTube Channel called Funtime Golden Freddy:

Soundtracks used for this game are credited in the credits of this game.

TRTF by Tyler Ahlström

TRTF Rebuilt by Black Moon Studios

FNAF By Scott Cawthon

#fangame #horror #survival #pointnclick #strategy #scifi #fnam #tfs #fnam2ft #trtm #trtm2tfc #trtf #trtf2 #fnaf3 #fnaf2 #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Final Update

Happy 4th Of July


Trailer coming April 23

The Return To Morro's 2: The Fancy Café - Official Trailer
Welcome to The Return to Morro's 2: The Fancy CaféCheck The Game here: me Reach 1,250 Su...