Comments (19)
Hello bro,
Some bugs :(
Trophies not working :(
and when i got into the portal and i fight W.T Freddy (Toy Freddy) the fight repeat himself :( he dropped a shard of the Echidna Dildo but then repeat himself again and the fight :(
And what does portal when you fight them? you can fight them anytime :)
and its a good game :) little faster than last time but still slow LOL but thats ok :)
Greetz Sam
Shitty fnafb fangame?More like good fnafb fangame
Hi Articfoxgaming, i have question: I defeated all cameras and i got some
red stone and i don't know what i have to do. Thank you for answer
(sorry for bad english, i am from slovakia)
Hey bro,
I don't know if it is a bug but this game played slow not smooth (normal) :(
example : The text are slow, attack are slow :( if you win you must wait a sec :( its bit annoying :(
But i like this game :P
Hope you can fix it :)
Greetz Sam
Sh**** Five nights at F***boys fangame
This will be the package used for patches if i need to release any
Freddy is once again, back to end enragement child but some things aren't as they seem.
Something sinister is lurking in the shadows..
And it seems to be a powerful force.
Will Freddy save the multiverse or will enragement child gain full control?
In this terrible fangame you will get;
The world stones
Multiple cringe attempts at jokes
-The pizzeria (obviously)
-The burning caves
-The abandoned funhouse
-The unformed world
Original FNAFB made by Joshua Shaw and Sable Lynn
Fnaf made by Scott cawthon
Needed tags: #fnaf
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Drug Reference
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor