Yo, this is the page about games Undertale and Henry Stickmin Collection, and Among Us! This is unofficial page of the AU "Switched!Swap the Skeld". The AU about story of Impostor and Crewmate. Long ago there were 2 races of humans: Impostor and Crewmate, and the weird humans race: Stickmins. The humans are started a war and Impostors with Crewmates won and imprisoned the Stickmins. Once the Crewmate or Impostor went from the ship and headed to the strange planet and fell into the Mt. Tabbit. And the adventure started!
Ok, now y'know the story of this AU, I am going to take a members in my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/BxtXh94VdA
welp, i gotta go to the work!
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!