
Comments (5)

What do you think?

ok great

So its basically fnaf, but for girls

"Hello? Hello! First we would like to thank you for deciding to watch over this place for five nights!" In Six Nights At Mandy's you'll be watching over a abandoned pizzeria for Six nights! But things are not as they seem... Mandy and the gang well let's just say... Aren't looking to good. In the Six nights you'll be trying to survive Mandy and her gang and not let them kill you. You have been given access to the cams so use them! Just remember some are broken! Well that should be everything! Oh one more thing... Keep any eye out on the forest behind you're office! There's a massive hole in the wall behind you and uh some people say they have seen something going in the office from the back! #fangame #strategy #horror #other #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language

So uh the games cancelled

Name Change!

So uh the games getting a name change. I'm changing it to Six nights at Mandys. So the bonus night is night 7. I'll update the icon and stuff tomorrow just thought I should say. Also I've officially gotten a voice actor for phone woman!

I'm finishing the layout now! Expect a finished layout tomorrow!

So uh. I've gotten teensy tiny bit off track recently. But don't worry! Tomorrow I Promise to get back on track! Also I'm looking for people to help me with script and I've already got some possible candidates. Anyway sorry for not posting. :)