
Comments (33)

What do you think?

make a sonic game with alot of characters. we need more than 500 characters each with unique abbilities.

how to do super attack?

also remove the random skins please. like I literaly play as sonic and then he appears red. only add it if there are two of the same characters in 1 match.

most of theese sonic mugen games just have... lack of characters. I need a game with more characters.

My first "consistent" mugen full game.

#fangame #action #sonic #mugen #neofiresonic #fighting #arcade

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

How fun, tails .snd file was missing.

And of course I had to reupload the entire thing again.

Ok... the new version is active


i fixed gizoid, i corrected -Z-'s voice fx inconsistencies, fixed a few taunts, removed those power charges from characters who were never meant to have them, and a few other things.

i think this should be it.

since no one bothered to tell me gizoid cannot parry, i have to now update this old shit again

I made like a really REALLY really small fix. So small you probably won't even notice it. If there are any files missing though or something please do let me know.

I don't know how many more "bug-fixes" of this I will release, I just seriously hope I can stop doing this so I can attempt to finish a different game >.>