Comments (4)
Having issues loading it, it keeps giving me all these errors when loading Sonic 3 AIR. It gives me errors saying that sprites do not exist in the 06 background. The final error is about "cannot assign a value to a type cast: Caused in the main.lemon line 139 of module sonic 06 background. Whatever does this mean please help.
Pls next sonic forces background in sonic 3 air
Sonic 06 level background on sonic 3 air
Sonic 06 Ost In Sonic 3 Air
Sonic 06 Menu
Sonic 06 Data Select
this mod replaces a few level background
such as
Wave Ocean Over Angel Island Zone
Kingdom Valley Over Marble Garden Zone
White Acropolis Over Ice Cap Zone
Radical Train Over Launch Base Zone
Tropical Jungle Over Mushroom Hill Zone
Crisis City Over Flying Battery Zone
Dusty Desert Over Sandopolis Zone
Flame Core Over Lava Reef Zone
Soleanna Over Hidden Pallace Zone
Aquatic Base Over Death Egg Zone
i also change the data select and menu to sonic 06 style
the backgrounds from this mod are ripped from this links
Ost By BlueDragon204 and a little bit edited by me