
Comments (31)

What do you think?

Just coming off the first game (benefits of finding the game series the day after the release of the second one) and if the first game gave me feels this game Absolutely Knocked Me Out Emotionally. I was playing into the late hours of the morning and getting way too emotional for my own good.

I don't want to put spoilers, but please know that the last two to three hours of the game gave me all of the feels and all of the sadness and I commend you folks for making me feel more in those few hours than I had in the last week. Just, bravo.

You are all amazing and wonderful people and please know that I love and appreciate everything you put into this amazing story.

I can't wait to see Endscape (I hope I remembered the name right because it's late) and learn exactly what that whole little interaction was at the end of the game.

I'm very excited to meet Mystery Shadow Figure.

I’m so glad I got a chance to play this. What a marvelous game filled with adventure, unique story telling, original characters, unexpected surprises, and love. This sequel project was so worth the wait! I give it a 10 out of 10. There is a bug where the game froze on a gray screen near the end, but I was able to fix it by restarting from a previous save point. It took a few times, but eventually it worked and I was able to play the game smoothly. Simple game play, fun for the whole Jacksepticeye community. This was made by fans for fans and I hope Jack gets to play these wholesome games in the future. Great work, everyone! I have a playthrough of this game published in my channel. Watch it here and be sure to play this game for yourself too!

My theory is that the Anti we know in the game is not the real Anti. He's a clone of some sort. It's called Soul Escape because it is Angus trying to escape the soul he got for himself. Now, the one that the soul was meant for (the real Anti / Ommited) wants it back. That's why the thing in the games description was (SPOILER) 'Give it back, Angus' in Base 64.

So yeah. That's my theory. But that's just a theory A GAME THEORY!

Can't wait for it to come out!

Love the game so far, just need help finding where Jackie is when Robbie gets stuck in the tree lol, but can someone help me find Jackie when we play as Henrik to find him bc i looked everywhere and still can't find him-

I'm just here to report a little bug: I was running in the city place at the way beginning and I went to one of the houses where some devs were at. (I can't remember which) But I do remember the dialogue was about wanting to add more trumpets or something and about sax. It was stuck there and I had to close the game to stop it

Set a year after the events of SeptiScape, the Mindscape is finally starting to heal. Attitude City is back to the large, busy city it once had been, homes have been rebuilt, and people who were lost are starting to come back.

Anti has been responding well to the serum, as well. Thanks to the two souls that keep him stable, he's made amazing progress since Jack's adventure in their world. And so, to celebrate, the whole gang goes on a camping trip. It looks like everything will finally be okay.

But things can never be that simple, can they?

Join our heros once again, in the second installment of the Scape trilogy, as they try to save Angus' soul. And in doing so reveal things about each other, Angus, and possibly the true nature of the Mindscape itself...


#fangame #rpg #puzzle #adventure #Jacksepticeye

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Reference
Comical Shenanigans

Happy Birthday SoulScape!

Patch 1.2.0 is out! Fixed several bugs in this one. Mac patch should be here soon to allow for saving the game.

Hey i'm collecting bug reports rn for the current build and i'll try to get a patch out in a few days. -Dev Blake

Getting everything ready... Oh and uh, check the game description ;)

SoulScape update: We have a 100% finished build!! See you guys in three weeks!

BTW You have until the end of this month to support our Patreon if you want your name in the credits of SoulScape!