
Comments (19)

What do you think?

Hello Mate.
Just wondering if you were planning on keeping the simplistic graphics currently employed or not. If you are, please continue making a gui for this game. if not, I would use other realistic survival-style games as a reference point on game functionality. For example, most realisticaly based games don't really have an item bar as an added point to realistic authenticity. also, a hunger mechanic that relies on the player hearing stomach groans, or a thirst mechanic that has players listening for dry coughs and raspy breathing. these things would look really cool in a game like yours : ).

Hey, I'd like to assist you in your game, it looks really cool. I'm a graphics designer and I'm studying graphics in highschool right at this moment and I'm pretty advanced in it. If you would like to work on this project together I would very much appreciate it. Skype: Discord: Dexister#9625

Fun game not much to do tho.

it would be cool for being able to build a boat and also i seen alot of boyance scripts online in forums which would be a cool touch to any rigidbodies that go in the water

Very nice, keep up good job :D

Sticks and Stones is an island survival game. Like most survival games, you'll have to find ways in keeping yourself alive from the elements. The game is currently is feedback mode which means that you, the player, will have to tell me what you liked about the game, didn't like and what you think should be added/removed. Many more things are planned to come and the majority of those things are already in rough development so don't expect long intervals between updates. The larger island you see in the distance is the main island which is where the finished game will be at so expect that.

Check out our Twitter at: for support and development

WASD movement
Q opens crafting system
1 and 2 enables/disables your spear if crafted

Explorable island
Collectable items to craft things
A crafting system
Pick up and place rocks
Day/night cycles
Animals like rabbits and crabs
And many more that can't fit on this list

Currently being developed:
Much larger island
Tents, tools, traps and other crafting items
Chopable trees
Hostile wolves at night
Much better GUI
Start Screen
Anything that you guys suggest

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!