Comments (23)
Pretty good!
Plays nice, haven't seen any bugs, and the ending is cute. More Hurricane adventures please. ;)
This game was great fun to play, although I'll admit that I was extremely stupid and it took me about half an hour to figure out what to do. Derp.
I like that this game really didn't take itself seriously. At all.
It provided the game with a really relaxed, jovial atmosphere, despite being a point-and-click puzzle game.
TOMMY HURRICANE was pretty awesome too. (His name has to be in caps at all time.)
The puzzle aspect of the game was well-made, although I could see some work being to done to improve the fluidity of it's solutions, so that the game flows a little bit better, but altogether I think that Technocrat did a really awesome job of this little adventure.
I made a stupid little play-through as well if anyone wants to watch it, but I won't hold my breath. :P.
Excellent work! The humor added a lot of fun to the game. I liked the fact that the game felt relaxed and didn't take itself too seriously(despite the premise) - I find that a breath of fresh air after having played much more overwhelming and intense games lately. The UI was fluid and easy to use, though I think the camera angles need to switch more quickly when the protagonist is turning corners. I personally found the puzzle aspect a bit challenging, but I'm not the greatest at puzzles myself. Best of luck with this project! :)
Gave it a go...
Stalag ZERO
Oh no! Ace RAF fighter pilot TOMMY HURRICANE has found himself shot down over Germany...again...He's wound up in an experimental POW camp, STALAG ZERO, designed to be run by a minimum of staff to free up assets for the Eastern front. You'd think this would make escape more straightforward, wouldn't you? Well, kind of, but now there's no management to complain to about the service.
A point-and-click adventure, and Technocrat Games' first foray into 3D & Unity as a small, experimental project
Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans