Comments (3)
It is amazing recreation of old flash game. The visual and sound are very good. Although in some places animations and camera movement are weird, in general everything is perfect.
this game is really good, i feel kinda bad cause i just know about this game today (also its 2:53 am) and i think i will remember like a funny story to tell. Thank you Donitz and Thanks you starpilot.
Este juego es muy bueno, me siento un poco mal debido a que hace solamente unas horas hoy me entere de la excistencia de este juego (son las 2:53 am) y realmente creo que esto sera una historia graciosa para contar. Gracias Donitz y Gracias starpilot.
I really enjoyed this! It was a really fun recreation! If possible, I'd love if you would be able to eventually port it to 3DS Homebrew/Custom Firmware. It would be so cool to be able to play it on my custom firmware 3DS, on the go!
Story of the Blanks 3D
Story of the Blanks 1.1
Acompaña a AppleBloom a explorar el misterioso bosque Everfree y descubrir uno de sus muchos secretos
Remake del juego original hecho por Donitz
El juego se encuentra en fase de beta, pero ya se puede finalizar y deberia de tener pocos bugs, te animo a encontrarlos al igual que los secretos
Cualquier bug que encuentres repórtalo ya sea en los comentarios o en el discord de la republica de lyra
Procesador i3 2120 (2 nucleos 4 hilos) AMD equivalente (esto es algo aproximado y fue probado en un AMD E1-2200 de 2 nucleos a 1.05Ghz)
Tarjeta grafica NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT (o equivalente)
2 GB de RAM (mas o menos el minimo de Windows)
200mb de espacio en disco duro ( aprox)
Notas: si tienes una gráfica integrada, te recomiendo desactivar la profundidad de campo
EN-US by Google Translate
Remake of the original game by Donitz
The game is in beta phase, but it can be finished and it should have few bugs, I encourage you to find them as well as the secrets
Any bug you find, report it either in the comments or in the discord of the republic of lyra
I3 2120 processor (2 core 4 threads) AMD equivalent (this is approximate and was tested on a 2 core AMD E1-2200 at 1.05Ghz)
NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT graphics card (or equivalent)
2 GB of RAM (more or less the minimum of Windows)
200mb hard disk space (approx)
Notes: if you have a built-in graph, I recommend turning off the depth of field
#fangame #horror #femaleprotagonist #short #mlp #remake #lowpoly #pony