Comments (8)
some enemies dont load image, just black square, like love slimes. the dragon skeleton, when it asked to bring it back or not, the whole game went black like it nearly trashed the computer. eventually the game showed but there is just a black square for the enemy (apparently a sword not a dragon).
first time ive seen this kinda game design here, takes a little getting used to, too bad only has 5 minutes play? dont be inspired by evil. maybe give her more to do? also the respawn of enemies when leave and return, and healing gem, is cheap.
Flying organs on title screen and a posh bear as enemy, couldn't ask for more xP
Story of Chibs
The player takes control of a half demoness half human, a human frees her and this where the story starts. She is an op demon, there are a few features like:
--On screen encounters, no random encounter bs--
--Learn skill system through the menu instead of lvling,--
-- lots of unique named skills.--
--custom menu and battle UI--
--side view battle system with action sequences--
--custom battle sprites--
--More TP means more strength--
This game can be easily beatable in 5mins or so, there is also a side boss which can be easy if you are careful, and drops a cool weapon.
Lots of droppable items. Most encounters can be avoidable, you literally don't even need to fight if you don't want to.