
Comments (2)

What do you think?

soooo ... you take pleasure torturing players with undetecteable traps that OS the character ?
well , i take pleasure downthumbing crapy sadistic game developpers like you .
go see a therapist about your anger issues and stop reporting them on the players

Game Soundtrack

1 song


Sword Of Abyss

Genre: Action-Rpg,Roguelike, Platform

This game is a test of my skills on consctruct 2 , have a free assets, and many contente made by me, i look for my ideas, and i'm have to try to creator a souls like, and roguelike action rpg, based on famous games, like dark souls and much more, i trying to make a beatiful and funny game, nothing stable coming soon preview, but i'm make amount of alphas of game in time for us, the game history is not finally, but i'm think for medieval fantasy game, like a souls like (yes, a love this game) the game is in alpha, bugs and issues is ocorring(sounds much) if you view, give me inbox message, and i try to straighten this!

The controls

Z - Interact with objects, itens, menus, etc

X- Attack( Sword have three attacks)

C- Use potion

S- Change de potions

Space- Roll(dodge enemies and traps)

Arrow- use arrows to move the guy, up arrow jump

hmm, one thing more, controls the stamina, or you died easily

Thanks for you attention

Ideas and Help will be much appreciated

If you like, and view a future in this game, follow and comment

Um alo para meus companheiros brasileiros
hola a mis amigos mexicanos

Sorry for bad English

#action #rpg #roguelike #adventure #platformer #strategy #puzzle #survival #other #arcade #SoulsLike

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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