
Comments (23)

What do you think?

hello, your kit looks very awesome, when will be it available for purchasing ? how much will cost it ? thanks for the information.

not bad but needs more improving

This is some sweet work <3

Is this usable as a development kit?

its great, but the cursor wasn't locked, kinda bothered me lol

A Complete Cover based Third Person shooter kit based on The Division.The main idea here was to provide with a slow paced shooter.This is not the best Third Person kit , but this is best suited for games like The Division/Battle Royal/ or simply a Survival game.I would never suggest anyone to use this for Open Ended games like GTA .As the possibilities here were kept limited.
The Asset will come with Animations/Models(Character/Weapon)/Particle Effects/Scripts/Demo Scene

All the features that will be included:

  • 3 Movement Modes (Walk/Run/Sprint) , you can sprint using the Sprint button and you can toggle between walk and run using MovementToggle button(Assigned as "Capslock" in default).

  • 2 Slots for weapons , Primary and Secondary , No melee.

  • Firing Weapon , turns on Aggressive Movement Animations to keep the immersion while shooting.It lasts for 15 seconds(Unless you decide to sprint, which will get you back to Normal Movement Animations).

  • Weapon Hands Switch, you will be able to switch sides while holding a weapon(This will depend on the shoulder your camera is on right now)

  • Bullet Spray And Recoil (This is self Explanatory).

  • The Weapons are separately positioned, and the Hands are placed with IK. So each weapon can be hold Separately.

  • Basic Parkour System, like vaulting/Getting up Objects/Climbing Objects.

  • Cover System

  • Blind Fire from Cover

  • Multiplayer Implemented (Photon)

  • Ladder System

  • Melee System

  • Taunt System

  • Surface Detectors for bullets to impact different particles

  • UI (Health | Weapons)

  • Aim Block (IK Based)

  • Rolling System

  • Ammo/Health Pickups

  • Explosion System

  • Vehicle Damage System

  • Enemy AI Humanoids

For Order, Contact me(Lets Talk Business)
Email : [email protected]
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The Division kit 2.3 Preview Build is now Available!

The Division Kit 2.1 Online Preview Build is Available now! Try it out

The Division kit 2.0 Online Preview Build is available


The Division kit 2.0 Update Incoming with AIs
