
Comments (3)

What do you think?

How do you make a mod for a scratch game (Technically turbowarp but you get the jist)

A mod of Too Many Nights, a FNaF roguelike that you can find here

I'm not gonna lie with you bud, this is just kinda an ADHD melting pot of characters and ideas, whether it'd be OCs, funny guys i like, profile pictures of my friends, etc etc, there is no real rhyme or reason and there probably won't be. Just have fun i guess.

I am NOT an artist, hell, I can barely be considered a game developer, this is just the shenanigans of a teenager bored out of their mind. Don't come here expecting a coup de gras. This is not that.

#fangame #roguelike #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf


so. V1.4.7 just came out. That's nice.

Might take a bit since it's a tad late for me rn and i have school tommorow, but TMNN's remake SHOOOOULD be starting back up again soon.

New thumbnail since 1.4.7's coming around eventually! I'll redo the banner later when I get some ideas for it.

small update to the description.

also 1.4.7 is going to include the recode of the rogue screen so when that releases TMNN will be back in business baby!!! yippee yahoo!!!

Yeah a quick update on TMMN - it isn't canned no worries

For anyone's information, I've been developing a mod for TMN called TMN Nulled (Or just TMNN as I've personally called it), which I just plan to be a grabbag of various ideas, features, concepts, and characters. Here's a preview of a game over screen :P.