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Team Pizza Hub.
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Comments (6)

What do you think?

teen game, change my mind.

This is cool, and I think it has a lot of potential to be a good UF!Sans fight...

So I'm going to critique every little detail and point out some of my nit-picks

(Don't take this comment offensively, I just want to give some friendly pointers)

  • Menu

    The biggest issue here is the collision with the pointer. Although I think using the arrow keys and Z would work better, saves you from having to fix it plus players won't have to move their hands back and forward every time they restart the project.

    Another small thing is the logo. When it scrolls up, you should let the clones fade out once spawned, makes it look a lot more fluid.

  • Everything else pre-fight

    A nit-pick, but Flowey's voice sped up is annoying. Have it up a bit, surer, but bro sounds like baby Mario

    It would also be nice to be able to press a button during the Flowey and Judgement hall parts to skip the dialogue for returning players.

    Another small nit-pick on Flowey's dialogue is how it's all yellow. Normally, colour is used to emphasize certain words instead of being dedicated to one character.

    Something I also noticed was when Frisk takes their baby steps towards Sans, it looks a bit weird. One big step would also work a lot better.

    • The Fight

      Firstly, Sans is out of line. Literally (more of a nit-pick though)


      There was also a lot of times where I started the fight but no music was playing. The SFX were fine along with the menu music before.

      For the intro attack, I think it could be done a bit better but no major modifications.

      You should firstly make Sans throw you down as soon as he's done talking, or reduce the time it takes him as it feels awkward and long

      Then when the wave comes in, make it a bit slower as it feels like it teleports in and makes it a bit unfair


      On the bone jumping part of the first attack below, the bones also feel really slow and makes the end of the intro attack outstay it's welcome


      Sans should also start talking once the attack ends instead of the weird pause

      For the second attack, I REALLY hate the bones. Their almost impossible to dodge. A quick fix is either making them a bit slower, or use the same length bones from the end of the intro and keep the speed


      The final attack I have a critique on is the third. The first path is also really hard to no-hit. this could be fixed by having the thinner blasters instead, by having a longer cooldown in-between blasts, or by having them appear randomly around the screen instead of the same spot.


      I additionally found a bug where pressing Z and X fast then switching buttons stops the text from changing. I could do this with all 4 buttons.


      Also got this by quickly pressing attack twice the second I got my turn, though what happened I couldn't tell you


      There are also some layering issues with Sans and the pillar. When Sans dodges, you could turn on a variable to make him stay at the front layer and turn it off again once his dodge is done, with the front layer block in a repeat until script attached to the dodge broadcast (sorry if this sounds overcomplicated, but what I mean is in the img below)

      My final issue is more of a nit-pick, but it feels awkward when Sans doesn't go back to his normal sprite after changing sprites during dialogue, or at least when i goes back to being your turn.

  • Afterlife

    My first issue is that you can see multiple assets such as the pillars and the souls hitbox after your soul breaks.

    You should also make the fight restart or have Frisk back in judgement hall after death instead of going back through the menu again, ideally for the full release.

That's more or less it.

I hope you take some of these to account. I know not all of these are feasible because it's Scratch, but I hope I've helped point you in the right direction :)

(Also I started this comment before you commented on my post and followed my game. I don't stalk my followers I swear)

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Phase 1 Ethereal Revolution (Theovania Take):

TPUnderfell is just a take of the Underfell Sans fight. Me and @r3b3el made this on scratch. But I'm finally finishing it. Currently, the demo is out. But I'll upload the full version soon!


@r3b3el for actually making this.

@Naggit for helping point out bugs.

JeffynickV2 (Sans Battle engine 2.0)

hehe5053 (buttons)

Me (Theovania Cover)

Tetu-bou (Gaster Blasters)


Sans sprite- takeru3205


#fangame #Underfell #Undertale #TeamPizza #Sansfight #edgy #UndertaleAu #take

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Checklist for bug fixing demo v3.

Mini update:

I'm at NewCastle for 2 weeks soon.

No updates to the game then.

So uh here's a nice screenshot of the fight because yes.