Comments (16)
Not bad, but needs to lower the difficulty on the fifth night. I understand it's the most difficult night, but when Project, Freddy Cheeks, and Todd come in at the same time, it's not funny.
Also, change the button for the flashlight, it's very uncomfortable constantly quick press Ctrl when on WASD you have to control the conveyor. It would be better to put it on the left mouse button.
By the way, personal request, add the option to enable windowed mode, thanks.
good game just very buggy sometimes the office will just be a black screen. please let us ESC the game or a pause menu. also idk if u intended this but all of them are way too active by night 4 making it impossible to deal with flashing the light and going on the tablet holding the heater and audio. mainly just need to nerf the kill timer a little bit theres always something in the room on later nights and they attack all at once
and this just appeard on gamejolt
YO this looks SICK!
finale impossible, who should I banish first?