
Beat the demo of the first act! (only people who played the demo before the removal will own this!)

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Training Wheels (Act 1)
You beat Night 1! Let's see how you do tomorrow night.

Slow and Steady (Act 1)
Well howdy-do, you beat Night 2! But you're not done yet.

Picking Up Pace (Act 1)
Half way there! But can you survive tomorrow?

No Strings Attached (Act 1)
You know all there is you need to know! Now try running the gauntlet for real.

Five Nights at Tubbyland (Act 1)
You survived your first week! But you feel the need to keep going... what's one more night gonna hurt?

Valued TubbyLand Guard (Act 1)
Gonna be real, didn't think you'd get out of that alive. Well done!

Still Standing (Act 1)
You did the unthinkable and beat the Tubbybots on their highest difficulty, congratulations!

Employee of the Month
You did it, you actually did it! You obtained all three Magic Pinwheels, thus completing Act 1 100%. Congratulations, and thank you for playing!