Comments (1,136)
But no Waluigi, 0/10
you should add izuku midoriya katsuki bakugo and asta
when i run it its black screen
i already did what the Installation guide told me to do, but it still a black screen
Surprised Godzilla isnt on the roster Considering he had anime films and possibly more anime type media in the future
The Last Generation (Full Version 3.0)
[Main: Windows 64 Bit / More: TLG_package_Add (REQUIRED!!!) / Windows 32 Bit / Os 64 Bit )] You need the "TLG_package_Add" to play the game!!! So please download it by clicking on "MORE" and merge it with the existing "package.nw"! Check the "Getting Started.txt" for more details! Feel free to ask me for help. Please report any bugs you encounter.
Installation Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0Z9s5wkKco
The Last Generation (Full Version 2.0)
[Main: Windows 64 Bit / More: Windows 32 Bit / Mac 64 Bit / TLG_package_Add (REQUIRED!!!) )]
You need the "TLG_package_Add" to play the game!!! So please download it by clicking on "MORE" and merge it with the existing "package.nw"!
Check the "Getting Started.txt" for more details!
ALSO: You have to delete your old save data. Otherwise you're stuck in main menu. But feel free to ask me for help.
Please report any bugs you encounter.

Download the Boxart of the game if you'd like to have it somewhere in your shelf. Although it's only a digital game. But I think it's cool to have something physically!

Join the official TLG Discord server!
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Cartoon Violence
Brief Nudity
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