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Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

"Environmental Effects"

In the game of Timeforge, there will be certain stages that the player is outside - in the snow or rain. Our team have managed to create a good falling particle effect that streams down the screen to be like snow or rain falling.

"A Bloody Mess!"

In the game of Timeforge, when enemies (or the player) are slain, they will explode into numerous blood particles. We have managed to create a good effect for blood whenever characters are killed - a bloody mess for their end.

"Escaping the District - The Wall"

The District Wall is what keeps people within their district. This wall serves to keep the residents of the Beach Town locked up. Those that are skilled enough can cross.

"Beach Town Boss - Mafia Boss"

The leader of the Mafia in the Beach Town. All mobsters pay their respects and tribute to this man. Wealthy from a criminal enterprise that rules over Beach Town, this man is very dangerous.

"Beach Town Baddies - Hitman"

When the gangs need someone taken out, or some serious backup - they call a Hitman. These gunslingers mean serious business and are professional killers. Be cautious when dealing with them for they are no amateur criminals!

"Beach Town Baddies - Strong Thug"

The stronger cousin of the Thug - these brutes pack a punch! Hulking across the slums of Beach Town, they are tough opponents that are dangerous even when alone. They are the muscle of the gangs and they mean business!

"Beach Town Baddies - Thug"

The Thug is the most common enemy that will be found in the Beach Town. Composed of everyday elements of criminal society, they are numerous and looking for a fight. Sporting gang colours - be aware of them when in numbers!

"Beach Town - Paradise in Poverty"

Welcome to the Beach Town, here is where crime flourishes as gangs roam the slums. Thugs and criminals of all colours and banners fight for their turf in this battlefield. It takes a tough individual to survive here.

"Meet Ran - the Heroine"

Kangwarn "Ran" Paran is a well-trained, former police officer that was recently dismissed from the force. She is agile, funny, and has a sense of justice - willing to aid those in need.

Test log 112