
Comments (24)

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Is there going to be a toy story 2 exe Remake

I know you are a spanish guy so i will speak spanish but the people that knows english i also speak in english :)

Spanish: Amigo tu remake del toy story.exe es genial! Es muy bueno y lo recomiendo para la gente que quiera ver Toy Story.exe de otra manera y esto ayuda! Ya que esto trae sus cambios, la intro, los escenarios y los diseños. Pero obio todo lo bueno debe tener sus problemas ya que el juego tiene algunos fallos como: Cuando Rex entra a la habitacion sangrienta, no se deja de reproducir el gemido del hombre y la palabra Help me y en Toy Story.exe solo pasaba de vez en cuando. Los screamers son demasiado cortos para dar miedo y solo son para asustarte por un segundo... Yo creo que los screamers en el original quedaban mejor pero igual no estan mal los de este. Y otra vez vamos con el de Rex porque para mi este es el apartado donde menos miedo se siente o menos ganas de taparte los oidos. Siento que la parte de Rex es la que menos me impresiono pero el resto si estuvo interesante. En Resumen, tu hiciste un buen remake pero este tiene unos cuantos problemas que no se si puedes arreglar. Si puedes arreglarlos es genial. Pero si no puedes o no quieres no hay problema ya que es tu y proyecto seguira siendo bueno! No olviden que esta es solo una opinion y una forma de decirle al creador lo que creo que deberia mejorar. Que les vaya bien!

English: Bro. your remake of Toy story.exe is great! it's very good and i recomend it for people that wants to see Toy Story.exe from another way like another intro, other level designs ETC. But everything that's good it has something bad... Because it has some mistakes like When rex enters to the bloody room, the sounds of the man moaning and the HELP ME dossen't stop to be played when in the Original Toy Story.exe only happens sometimes. The screamers are very short in comparation with the Original one but it still good because if you wanna scare someone for a short time that scream works but when you talk about scaring someone with a long scream then you need to put larger screamers like the Original Toy Story.exe game. I feel Rex's part is the most simple and it's the one that less impresed me but the rest was intresting... In less words You made a very good remake but it has some mistakes that you can fix. If you can fix them great! But if you don't fix them it's YOUR proyect and it's still good! Don't forget that this is just my opinion and a way to say to the creator what i think he/she must fix. Have a good day!

PDE: If you wanna answer me don't hessitate to do it in Spanish or English because i understand both languages!

PDS: Si quieres responderme no te molestes en hacerlo en español o en ingles porque entiendo ambos lenguajes!

why are jump scares is loud

is there jump scares



Version: 0.1.0over 7 years ago

Finally, long ago, not bring a game. But here is an improved version of TOYSTORY.EXE called TOYSTORY.EXE RafaelGamerEdition. And I want to thank oldum77 for letting me do this version and sorry for my traduction but is that i'm spanish

Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
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