
Comments (5)

What do you think?


I cannot seem to download the UE5 assets. Nothing happens when I click the button

Good Job

Hi there, if possible please could you upload the enemies/ animations as well as the new playable character animations. Thanks :)

Please let us know from which tutorial you can start with the UE5 Early Access Project Files or even better to re-upload the current version of video #120. Explanation: I made a mistake in the video inventory part 2 and would have to start again from 0. Since I do the hobby moderately, that would save me a lot of time. LG

The characters and animations for use in the tutorial series i'll be doing. all files are in an FBX format #tutorial #rpg #adventure #other #action #survival

Mild Fantasy Violence

Been a little while, time for an update :D moving into UE5, so i packaged the character file and the animations i'll be using for the player character. much smaller download this time, too

Unreal Engine 5 RPG Tutorial Series Preview; A brief look at what to expect #ue5 #rpg #unrealengine5
I know you've been waiting on this one for a while, and it's finally time to start. i wanted to build an entire preview in UE5 since we've made the jump, but...

Just unzip the file and you should be good to go.

Video links
