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#Digimon #PokemonEssentials #fangame

Untitled Digimon Project is a Digimon fangame that is in progress. It has no named yet and is being made using Pokémon Essentials.
In this game you start out as a tamer who has traveled through the Digital World with their partner Anubismon or Valkyrimon(Depending on gender) and have helped out many Digimon and fellow tamers during your travels. Though, after a while of being nearly all alone during your travels, you are now looking to join a team so you can always have someone to rely on and so you can help teammates as well as those who are in desperate need of help. With having a team, you can be messaged about anyone that needs help and can help them right away without having to be in the area. (Basically something like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon story but it's not Pokemon or Mystery Dungeon)

The ability to devolve - Since in Digimon, evolution isn't permanent, you would have the ability to devolve your Digimon if you desire.
Menu to View Evolution Requirements and Evolve - As there's a lot of evolution lines for Digimon, there will be a menu where you can view the requirements to evolve your Digimon(or Devolve if you wish to do so). This menu would become the new way to evolve, where, if you meet the requirements, you can select the Digimon you wish your Digimon would become and it would evolve. This also works with devolving your Digimon.
Two type moves - Moves would be set to having two types. Their natural type, (Virus, Vaccine, Data, or Free), which is dependent on the Digimon's first type and their element type(Fire, Water, Earth, Plant, Electric, Wind, Holy, Dark, or Void), which is dependent on the moves shown type. This doesn't apply to any moves with a shown type being Virus, Vaccine, Data, or Free.
Boxed Digimon able to gain experience and be interacted with - Digimon that have been sent to the "box" (Which would be the DigiFarm in this game) can gain experience after around 20-30 battles. In which Anubismon or Valkyrimon(Depending on gender) would message/call you about the results after that time has passed. Showing the new level or stat changes if a Digimon has leveled up. Then, if you communicate with PCs, it would allow you to have access to teleport to the selected Digifarm and even interact with the Digimon there.
Some randomized Side-quests - In this game, in-between the main storyline or if you wish to take a break from the main story, you can accept side quests. Which would be randomized like if it was Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
Scanning Digimon - In this game, you are unable to catch Digimon. If you wish to obtain a Digimon, it must be given to you, either as that Digimon or as scan data, or encounter enough of a specific Digimon to get up to at least 100% of scan data. In order to obtain the Digimon from scan data, you must go to a computer and convert it.
Other Unplanned - There would most likely be other features.

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!
