Comments (74)

I made some button sprites for some reason...

The Final Reset but Underswap.
Can i somehow help-
if some boi can code the game/underswap take for you will you make the game real a
Undertale by Toby Fox
Owner, idea man, and artist: @Dyevo_
Spriter: @Xyne
Coder: @Dominikowski1
Musician: n o
Writer: @DJ_LYON_328 , @Dyevo_ , @Dominikowski1
Game-page Editor: @Atreya
Chara/Frisk continues the genocides over and over and after millions of genocide runs, the what was supposed to be an infinite amount of timeline is starting to reach an end, changes in each genocides getting bigger and bigger
Until the final timeline
The last line of defence to stop the endless genocide
Except in this final timeline, sans has seen the millions of genocides before him, he
Knew he was the last one to be beaten yet this time he prepared better
By setting traps everywhere, convincing every monster to not have mercy towards the human, even papyrus was convinced it wasn't enough.
Once chara/frisk arrives at the final corridor
It feels like space and time gets destroyed more and more
only one last platform in the middle of endless void one last fight
Before everything ends.