
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Sorry it took me so long to reply, I was in DC for a couple months, but I don't care if i get paid or not, I already have a job. Could I help you develop your game. I have vx Ace

Sorry for the lack of recent updates. I've been working on the next few areas that are fairly big in order to further the story. I've also been taking a small break as to not get burnt out from the project as I have before.

I wanted to tell you, your game's story is very good and well written, but the problem I had wasn't with the gameplay. It was the game itself. 2 problems, A lot of the music used in the game wasn't loaded with the files. Which leads to problem 2, you left your game data unlocked so people are able to edit the game itself, that's how data miners are able to steal credit for your work. I just wanted to let you know that your game was really good. just really broken as well


Vermillion Chronicles : Fragment Saga (Early Access)

Version: 0.2.8almost 8 years ago
Added two new areas, Idian Field and Bagmel : Entrance. Still working on the story a bit more, and doing a bit more mapping on the city.

The continent of Fragment, while not the safest place to live, is still loved by all who reside there. However, the drums of war sound through the air as malicious forces seek to dismantle the kingdoms. All in the name of peace. Play as Nicholas Vermillion, and his party as they traverse the now unforgiving landscapes of Fragment, in order to put an end to this evil.

This game is still in development and will be for awhile. I will update the game every now and then. Each update will bring out even more of the story, and will fix things that have failed in the past. I would also ask that everyone who plays it please leave suggestions on what I should fix and also tell me what I've been doing well. Thank you for playing the game, and have fun.
(Also please send screenshots if you can and send them to [email protected])

Custom music, courtesy of Wingless Seraph.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!