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You are Jack, a retired hero who is recently divorced. Go on a humorous adventure to find tons of Loot and lots of Love! You can find some awesome gear drops that can be switched out and be used to customize your game-play for the numerous offered class options. You play how you want! You can also converse and romanticize multiple Wenches all to a rockin' original soundtrack! Come get your Loot on (/^-^)/

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Mature Humor

PM: Animations, enemies, and other minor fixes

Dredex - Updated animations, Bomb enemy

Game updates!!! Jackripperz 4/20/2019

Art's Bitchin' Logs: PAX Success, Positive Feedback, Kicking Ass. The Usual.

Particle Man Reborn!