Comments (2)
hello! first of all id like to say that i really enjoy this game! i rarely see anyone make a fluffy rpg involving these 2 characters! i just have one pretty big problem with the game, a big chunk of the games audio and graphic files weren't present. i was hoping that if you are still in this fandom that you could fix it up a bit so the files are there. with this i thank you for creating this game,i genuinely think this game has great potential!( i also love this ship) ciao and thank you for reading!
Worth the Wait 2p Hetalia Game (V1.2)
Debug Version
Typos Fixed
Glitch at Movies fixed
There's just way too many edgy 2p Hetalia games, especially GerIta ones. So, I made a cute short one! This game is REALLY short though.
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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