
Comments (9)

What do you think?

whre is the link are u done making eat pls i love zelda games

então vc acha que consegue entregar a beta do jogo esse ano?

really nice, follow with the proyect and don´t stop, you have a lot talent, the need morth people how you, good luck!!

wowwwww it looks so freaking nicee

é mt bom ver que tem uma demo quase pronta ansiosíssimo

*English description below*

Link's Adventure é um fanmade inspirado em Zelda Breath Of The Wild

contendo diversas armas, armaduras, arcos, igredientes e entre outros

Tambem terá um mundo imenso para que você explore o quanto quiser para achar itens, lugares secretos e poderosos chefes

(Atualmente em WIP)

Link's Adventure is a fanmade inspired by Zelda Breath Of The Wild

containing various weapons, armor, bows, ingredients and among others

You'll also have a huge world for you to explore as much as you want to find items, secret places and powerful bosses

(Currently in WIP)

#rpg #adventure #other #fangame #action #puzzle #zelda #breath #of #the #wild #botw #2D

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Today I made the game inventory and some items working as a test... I spent all my INT and I'm exhausted haha The first early version of the game will be in English..And the good news is that many game mechanics involving exploration and combat are ready!

Novidades em breve!! (O projeto não foi abandonado! Mil perdões pela falta de noticias.)

News soon!! (The project has not been abandoned! I apologize for the lack of news.)


(resumo em pt nos comentários)


its possible to interact with both the mouse and keyboard/gamepad.

(Now I'm finishing Link's sprites attacking with different equipped weapons)

hello guys, forgiveness for disappearing, but things are difficult because of the covid. School, work, etc. but I'm still working on this project, but very slowly, for now. But I will post news about the game soon. Thank you for understanding