
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Nice game & very good graphics!

Though some of the game play was very confusing at first, everything seemed to fall into place at the end. Very nice twist. I just wish it had been a little longer. Hope to see more!

That was a fantastic game! I love the point and click adventure games, always have. I did a Let's Play of the game if you would like to watch it or use it to show people what the game is like:

Thank you for making such great games. 5/5

Finished as welll. Very fun and I like the Pratchett vibes a lot. :)

Played it and finished it, I really liked it, you're planning a sequel or something? this game was very fun for a short game.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Forest at Night

A Boney Night is a point and click adventure inspired by LucasArts / Sierra games. It has pixelled sprites, hand-drawn backgrounds and original music.


There are times when a short, middle-aged lady has to do what she has to do. For example when a zombie apocalypse is happening. Undra the witch and Kijo the orc set out to stop evil and teach a kid a few lessons about stuff along the way - or not. Because kids these days. Really. Those jerks!


The game is a test run for my adventure game framework in GM:S. If everything works out fine I'll use it for bigger adventure projects.

Technical Stuff

  • 300x200 resolution

  • 6 frame walkcycles

  • Pathfinding (slightly unclean but reliable)

  • 14 rooms

  • A buddy system

  • About 10 MB in size

  • Pixels!!

The game is available for Windows, Android and HTML5 so far.

Thanks for playing!

Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans
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