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Phew, that was a journey just to get this to run. I was very impressed with you turning in an actual NES rom, I'm afraid the game didn't really live up to the hype in my mind though. No music, no animations (before figuring out the controls I wasn't even sure if the game froze) and rather uninteresting graphics as well as gameplay mechanics. Sadly, I didn't really enjoy myself while playing, the only fact that kept me from outright moving on was the fact that it was an actual NES cartridge.

Enter the maze arena of the A-Mazing Gravity Boys!

A Game by the Laubisch's: Adrian Laubisch (Code) & Carolina Caravana Laubisch (Art)

For our #gbjam 4 entry we choose quite a development challange: to develop a GameBoy-looking game for the NES! Yes, you read it right: our game was developed on NES Assembly, from scratch, and could even run on the actual old-school console if turned the right way into a cartridge! Whoohoo!!! (As a side note: we are also insane by willingly choose to go through this level of development pain _ )

• You and a friend control gravity-benders.
• It is possible for both to change the direction that the Gravity works (up, down, left right) at all time.
• Moving around at the "floor" is allowed: if you move along the gravity you'll go faster, but can never move against it - you'll only stop!
• Choosing wisely between moving, changing gravity to move faster and/or to make your friend's life hard, each player must find a way through a little maze to reach the Portal before the other.
• But there are special rules to follow and some dangers to avoid!

• The Directional Pad move you character. You can move at any direction, but be careful: you can't move against the current Gravity!
• The A Button flips the gravity vertically. You can do it at any time, but both players can - so be careful!
• The B Button flips the gravity horizontally. The same advice :)
• Start Button start a match (or restart a match if you are on the game over screen)

• Spikes - The spiky thing: Avoid them! If you hit them, you'll be thrown back to the spawn point.
• Portal - The spiral thing: You goal. You must enter it. But before you do that you must pass through the ...
• Switch - The... third thing: You must pass here before you can enter the portal and win. When you do, your color will change to black. But be careful: if you die, you'll need to pass by it again!

Have fun! :)


• IMPORTANT: You'll need some NES-Emulator to play this game. We recommend FCEUX for Windows/Linux and Nestopia for Mac. Just google their names and you'll find them very easily ;-)
• Warning: this is a 2-Player game! You can play it alone, but it won't have the same fun level - at all.
• Known Bug: We managed to kill all the game bugs except one - sometimes, when both players press a lot of buttons at the same time, the game freezes. Just restart the emulator and play it again :)


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