Comments (2)
Yo I had a great time playing your game and also making a video on it I hope you'll see it <3
Игра про то, как ты просто бегаешь из точки А в точку В.
Нужно чинить какие-то системы пока не кончится таймер миссии. Всё.
A Ship That is Broken will Remain Broken
Do you think you have what it takes to be part of a Space Crew on a Space Station out in Space?
Sound like the science-fiction adventure of your dreams? Well its not all that its made out to be! Ship systems malfunction CONSTANTLY. From the coffee machine to oxygen supplier, you need to prove to us that you have the skills to survive the onslaught of mechanical failures that you will have to face out in space.
You'll also need to have some pretty thick skin. If you think having your life at risk constantly is bad, wait until you meet the Captain. He's got a bit of a sailor's mouth, with years of sailing the vast reaches of space, learning how to insult his crew from the best of the worst across the galaxy.
So uh... ...Good Luck... ...you're gonna need it. A lot.
Joey Gage - Game Programing and Character Design
Maxwell Kunze - UI Programming/Design + Level Design
Christopher Carswell - Character Model and Animation
Danny Weber - Environment and Level Planning
Johnny Lam - Sound and Music Design
#adventure #space #arcade #comedy #fastpaced #survival #thirdperson #action #casual #scifi