
Atari Breakout: Morbid Obese Bricks Edition
How to play: when you press "play" there will a ball that will come at you. You will need to deflect the ball with your character holding an umbrella. You can move the character with your mouse so if the ball goes to the other side of the screen, you can move your character and deflect the ball away from the bottom of the game. If the ball reaches the bottom of the game, don't worry, you have 3 lives and you will have 2 left. If you lose all your lives, you get sent to the high score screen where you can put in your name and play again if you would like to. You need to deflect the ball to hit the bricks. Once the bricks are all hit and destroyed, you will win and you will be sent to the high score screen. That is how to play.
If you download the game and it says the file is harmful, if you're using Chrome, press the drop up arrow then press "Keep" then it will say something else about it not being safe. Press "More info" and press "run anyway" I'm not trying to hack your computer, I don't even know how to do that.
If you would like to close the game, press ESC.
This game was made with Fusion 2.5