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A roguelike made in 48h for #7DRL about trying to be an adult and surviving 2018.

Some notes about it:

  • Reach the last day of the month to get to the next one. The game ends when December ends.

  • It might take a few runs to get the hang of it.

  • It's not supposed to be hard if you think your moves. Let me know on twitter if you managed to beat it (and how many runs it took).

  • The key to completing it lies in mastering your skills (the buttons on the left side). This recharge at the start of each month.

Full instructions:

  • You click on nearby tiles to move (you'll know you can move if the outline is yellow).

  • After you move to a new tile your stats will change.

  • There are skills you can use on the left. The first unblocks locked tiles (the ones you can't move to), click on that skill and then select a column. The second skills lets you jump over tiles, click on it and then select the tile where you want to go. The last one is a shield, click on it; it'll block the effect of the next tile you step on. YES, skills can be comined, for example, activate your shield and jump afterwards.

by Ludipe

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