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Oh HELL yeah.

Can I Make A 3D Remaster Like This?


3 instances of 3

ok theory time: the guy who tells us things before night starts is 3, cuz text is his color, and if we trust 4, 3 is evil manipulator, 4 holds him inprisoned in asylum, but he might somehow controlled us, and lead us here, it might be not sleepwalk, or it was sleepwalk and 3 guided us here. so, 4 and some other numberguys are trying to stop us from freeing him (idk how we feeeing him lol),others are just clueless and joined cuz why not, and some of them are being driven insane by number 3 (why they attacking tho???). some of the theory is canon, some is just a theory (hope it becomes a theorem :) ).

I was playing Night 1 casually, and in the middle of the night, I something that sounded like "RON-N-N-AY!" That's my interpretation of the sound, but what is it? Is it Three or something?

After sleepwalking right into a mysterious and frankly shabbily managed and ugly looking building, a frightened and wimpy "hero" taking the role of a nighttime security guard must defend himself from wacky and grossly textured numbers.

Shut gates. Shoot people. Solve math problems. All sorts of fun.

Welcome to the Algebra Asylum.

#fangame #horror #fnaf #retro #survival #pointnclick #strategy #bfdi

Mild Cartoon Violence
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