Comments (2)
i remade this whole game id love for you to check it out!!!!!!!!!!
You need check-points K?!
Need them!
Made for a 48-hour competition (Not a LD) that I started 14 hours late. The theme was Alternate Reality, and as can be seen, the title of the game is a really lame mix of the two words (I was rushed, what can I say?).
This is one of the first game I made to use the GME library, and thus it plays emulated NSF music in real-time (Which reduces the filesize nicely).
X - Jump
V - Shoot
Space - Open sub-menu to switch weapons (Only two, but still)
How the 'reality switch' was achieved
I did this in a really stupid way, but basically, I made the normal world first, duplicated the room, and made a second room that used an alternate tileset and had more hazards. If I redid this, I'd probably just swap out the tilesets in the room and use invisible 'switcher' objects to add the hazards in.
GMK included. Do with it what you will.