
  1. # 1
    Gliding score of 1818815 by xesenix
    Xesenix @xesenix
    over 8 years ago
  2. # 3
    Gliding score of 127000
    Xesenix ( guest )
    over 6 years ago
  3. # 5
    Gliding score of 10151
    jacekl ( guest )
    over 8 years ago
  4. # 7
    Gliding score of 6061
    nick ( guest )
    over 8 years ago
  5. # 9
    Gliding score of 4216
    fag ( guest )
    over 8 years ago
  6. # 11
    Gliding score of 3548
    dzej ( guest )
    over 8 years ago
  1. # 2
    Gliding score of 152133
    Xes ( guest )
    over 8 years ago
  2. # 4
    Gliding score of 26669
    chicken ( guest )
    over 8 years ago
  3. # 6
    Gliding score of 9866
    Random glider ( guest )
    about 8 years ago
  4. # 8
    Gliding score of 4934
    derp ( guest )
    over 8 years ago
  5. # 10
    Gliding score of 3803 by wo997
    wo997 @wo997
    almost 7 years ago
  6. # 12
    Gliding score of 3268
    der ( guest )
    over 8 years ago