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1 Member

Comments (15)

What do you think?

hey nice project but theres some bad parts like theres no music but I really like the sprite of sans well I hope you guys will make or add musics and some new attacks cz it becomes a little bit boring without any music or new attacks

Hi! Would you like to help in a fangame called: undertale touhou mode?

The attacks are gonna be a lil bit hard to make so yeah

but if you can help pls tell me! I really need a coder for that project!

Items and menu is gonna be normal undertale styled, maybe only toriel sprite and music will be different from origianl undertale ( for keep the reference to original)

but attacks are gonna be new and way harder then undertale! Near to a touhou normal stage - difficulty !

I really need a coder for that project, because I can make attacks ideas but Iā€™m not a coder

So pls! Would you like to help us to do this fangame,


an another sans fight

Version: 0.1.010 months ago

just my first undertale fan game
engine by MCatR

old version of the game made whit hajjex engine


game not close

im changing of engine im now gonna use MCatR engine

im gonna take more time for releasing the fan game cause im not really proud of the fan game for the time

do you want a music for the menu and the credit?

good new the fan game gonna be finish soon