Comments (4)
really fun to think about which powerups to get. the room full of swordsman is a massive rage quit moment. i might try again!
I have played it to 5th stage but can't proceed further thanks to the holes
It's good platformer nonetheless
Слишком много врагов, среляющих можно оставить, но вот эти серые, которые ничего не делают, там ни к месту, передвижение слишком резкое, правильно расчитать выстрел во время прыжка практически невозможно, из-за чего второго босса убивать приходится либо с помощью турели и дрона на балках, либо только на земле с обычных выстрелов. В целом, если бы анимация была бы чуть-чуть медленнее и в целом фреймов побольше, поставил бы good, а так ниже среднего, купил бы в девяностых на сегу.
Apparatus Technology
Game Soundtrack
Title - Apparatus Technology
Genre - shooter/platformer
Description - The protagonist worked for five years as an agent for the powerful company Apparatus Technology. It was decided to eliminate him, for the fact that he didn't support the views of the company. What is more important, personal revenge, or taking the company to expose? Alex, the protagonist, is striking back and raiding the important facilities of the company.
The player can fight himself, or call out an assault droid, a heal bot, and a stationary turret. During the game the upgrades are opened, player chooses what to improve: droid, bot, turret or his suit. You can completely enhance just one thing, or you can try on different levels to choose different upgrades for unusual and interesting gaming experience.
Made with Game Maker.
Keyboard (can be changed) - WASD-move, J-fire, K-jump, Q-droid, E-bot, F-turret, Space-medkits;
Gamepad - Pad-move, X-fire, A-jump, LB-droid, RB-bot, RT-turret, Y-medkits.
Tier 1
ASSAULT DROID - Decrease recharge time
HEAL BOT - Decrease recharge time
TURRET - Decrease recharge time
SUIT - Longer range
Tier 2
ASSAULT DROID - Increase attack power
HEAL BOT - Improve healing
TURRET - Increase attack power
SUIT - Increase attack power
Tier 3
ASSAULT DROID - Increase duration
HEAL BOT - Increase duration
TURRET - Increase duration
SUIT - Reinforce armor
Tier 4
ASSAULT DROID - More hp, explosive attack
HEAL BOT - Transfer pain, hp pool refill
TURRET - More hp, more usability
SUIT - Berserk mode at low hp
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Language