Comments (4)
I am trying out all the old games of Game Jolt and this is what I've come upon!!!
Anyways, this game is pretty cool and simple I like it. :).
Sweet Game. A little hard though. I found out level 9 right away. :P 4/5
I like this game. It can be nerve racking, but fun. Music got repetitive (I also did not catch a citation, but I did not think to look until now, so I just may not have been paying attention) and some of the blocks did not fill in properly, but it did not draw away from the game.
The opening screen is great. I like that you get practice in before starting the game.
Just can't figure out the solution to level 9. Making it out of the box and onto the platform is easy, but after that I am stumped.
Appearance is not Vlad's best work and was inspired by "seven minutes" and "level editor". Arrow keys to move.
- Sincerely, Some Guy Who Talks About Appearance.