Aquarium Simulation
It is an aquarium simulation that allows you to observe the flocking behavior of the fishes by setting parameters. #simulation #aquarium #flock #fish
In browser build, lighting and audio components do not work properly. Hence, if you want to experience better, you can download it for Windows and OSX, too.
Credits (I present my thanks.)
I've developed the flocking logic by following the this tutorial:
3D Models:
"Saltwater Aquarium V1" by printable_models https://free3d.com/3d-model/saltwater-aquarium-v1--172967.html
"Aquarium Deep Sea Diver V1" by printable_models https://free3d.com/3d-model/aquarium-deep-sea-diver-v1--436500.html
"Aquarium Castle V1" by printable_models
"Ambience, Peaceful Synth" by Jonathan Shaw https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/sounds/353032/
"Aquarium Filter" by Andi Roselund (Sangwha Comm) https://freesound.org/people/ultradust/sounds/167748/