Comments (7)
Hello! Your game was awesome! The sassyness was too funny :D I made a full play through, you can find it here if you like~
(Should be up in a wee while! :D)
Hey! I really enjoyed the game and the dialogue humour. You killed me with that one "tiny" puzzle though hahaha.
Hi! Definitely enjoyed this point and click adventure~ I miss this style of games with the crazy combination solutions. Great sense of humor. Only suggestion would be instead of autoscrolling the text, allow us to press to continue? I admit I stumbled over narrating several times since I wanted to make sure I read it all before it disappeared on me. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to other games you'll make in the future! :)
Don't you just hate it when you're on a hot date and you get interrupted because you need to save the world? When even the Special Forces can't take out a spider-alien-thing, Dirk Longerwood must put his love life on hold and step in to save the world himself.
Aractaur is a short black comedy point and click adventure.