
My First Time!
You signed in to the game for the frist time!

First Character!
Awared for creating your frist character!

Going Hardcore ?
Creating a hardcore character for the frist time.

Newbie Fighter
Play 50 waves in total.

Healing For Days I
Heal for 50.000 in total.

Slaying For Days I
Deal 75.000 damage in total.

Avenge Figher
Play 250 waves in total.

Healing For Days II
Heal for 250.000 in total.

Slaying For Days II
Deal 500.000 damage in total.

Epic Fighter.
Play 500 waves in total.

Healing For Days III
Heal for 500.000 in total.

Slaying For Days III
Deal 5.000.000 damage in total.

The No-life Fighter
Play 1.000 waves in total.
(I think you should take a break xD)

Healing For Days IV
Heal for 3.000.000 in total.

Slaying For Days IV
Deal 15.000.000 damage in total.

Season 1
Play on difficulty + 5 or higher and complete atleast 5 waves.
This trophy will only be earnable until the 03/01/2017.

Season 2
Play on difficulty + 8 or higher and complete atleast 5 waves.
This trophy will only be earnable until the 05/01/2017.