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Disclaimer: I do not own "Asteroids", Atari does. Asteroids is a game developed by Atari back in 1979. This is simply a remake and the paid version "Supporter Edition" is not selling the 'game' but a bonus feature that I developed and it is meant as a means for people to support me. The game of asteroids is free and can be downloaded for free under the name "Full Edition".

Hey, first off a small side note ( read it or ignore it ):

Thanks for checking out my game! I really appreciate it. This is not my first time making a game but it's my first time publishing a game and it definitely won't be the last! I would really appreciate if you could leave a comment as to why you liked or didn't like it! Thank you for your time.



This is a remake of the original 1979 Atari game that strives to be as close to the original but improving on certain aspects.
The most noticeable difference will be the respawning mechanic where you will be given a few seconds to choose when you spawn as to avoid annoying collisions with objects upon spawning and giving the player a bit more control.

Let me know if something is completely wrong!



Upon starting the a game of Asteroids PC your ship will spawn in the centre of the screen and 4 Big Asteroids around the border of the screen.

Throughout your game you will be face UFOs, big and small. UFOs will be able to interact with the asteroids by crashing into them or shooting them ( this will not yield you points ). You can die from getting shot by them or by crashing into them. Small UFOs will appear after you've reached 10,000 points or when you've reached maximum tempo. Small UFOs will aim at your ship whereas big UFOs will shoot in random directions.

You gain an extra life after every 10,000 points you earn. You yield points from shooting the objects or by crashing into them. You can only shoot when there is less than 4 bullets on the screen. Every bullet loops around the screen once.

After you've destroyed every asteroid and UFO another wave of asteroids will begin with 1 more asteroids than the previous wave.

Also, everything loops around the borders of your screen.


  • Object | Points

  • Big Asteroid | 20

  • Medium Asteroid | 50

  • Small Asteroid | 100

  • Big UFO | 200

  • Small UFO | 1,000



The game has set keybinds that cannot be changed so it's best to get to know what they are.
They can also be viewed in the Main Menu of the game by pressing X on a keyboard or L2 on a controller.

Please note: The controller used while making this game was a PS4 controller.

FIRE - Shoot bullets / Select current entry or + selected entry in Menu

{ PC - SPACE } { PS4 - X }

THRUST - Apply speed in current direction

{ PC - W } { PS4 - R2 }

ROTATE - Rotate ship / Change entry in Menu

{ PC - A & D } { PS4 - LS & DPAD }

HYPERSPACE - Teleport to a random location / - selected entry in Menu

{ PC - LCONTROL } { PS4 - O }



Full Edition:

  • Base Game

  • Top Ten Scoreboard with Initials

  • Levels, Tokens, XP

  • Audio Options

  • Statistics

Supporter Edition:

  • Full Edition

  • Customisation

When in the Main Menu, the top left value represents your LEVEL, middle top value represents remaining XP to next LEVEL, top right value represents your TOKENS.

Note: Best experience is at 1080p, lower resolutions may result in text not being displayed properly.

Game saves files to: C:\Users{username}\AppData\Local\Asteroids_PC


Supporter Edition

I recommend getting the Full Edition first!

I have split the game into two parts:

  • Full Edition

  • Supporter Edition

The Full Edition still has the full base game, options, statistics, scoreboard etc.
The Supporter Edition is for people that enjoyed the game and want to support me in some way. Now of course it has a bonus feature to make it a bit more interesting and worthwhile. It adds a feature for changing the colour of any object in the game for TOKENS ( top right ) that you gain per level up.


To anyone who got the free version: Thank you for your time and interest!
To anyone who got the supporter edition: ( above ) and thank you for your support!

#retro #arcade #shooter #asteroids

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