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Generic top-down Shmup, a "babby's first game" if you will. This game is in in prototype stages, I've got few features planned, but essentially it's going to be very simple kind of a game.

Controls: Arrow keys for movement, Spacebar toggles autofire, R respawns player.
Mechanically the game is simple:
- Player controls a ship with arrow keys, the ship has shields that regenerate over time. If the shield is depleted, there is a short countdown before shields start to regenerate from zero all the way back to full state, if player takes a hit during that time this cooldown resets. There is also hull that does not regenerate. If hull reaches zero, the ship explodes and It's game over.
- Asteroids have three "stages" Initially they spawn at random position and travel down. The larger the "rock" the more damage it causes. Asteroids also cause damage to hull regardles of whether player has shields up or not - the shields merely "soften" the impact in this case.
- Enemy ships are spawned at random times on random locations. They travel in straight line and shoot projectlies. No complex AI has been implemented so all you need to do is dodge their projectiles and shoot back - they're squishy so any collision with player's projectiles or player ship destroys them.
- Mines are slightly more interesting. At random intervals the "Caution minefield" warning pops up and mines spawn. Each mine follows sinusoidal path between it's spawning position and current player's position. Collision with a mine is instant game over for the player. This is to encourage player to avoid them at all costs, adding some difficulty to the game.

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