Comments (8)
Nice concept. I like the no-frills GFX, but I don't like the squares that keep bursting in the background.
Super fun and simple! I love the music!
Wow this one is great! Just a few colors were used as the theme was supposed to impose, the gameplay is pretty straightforward, easily one of the best entries
Very cool.
Amazing game! I love a good puzzle.
Atmo - (Ludum Dare 26)
Atmo is a puzzle game based around a simple mechanic, you only have a limited amount of 'energy'. You have to get to the green tile and have exactly 0 energy. Any more and it won't let you win. Every tile you move loses you 0.1 energy, and you start off with 1. Certain tiles add or deduct energy.
The part of Atmo that I'm most proud of is the transitioning. Since the game is made from simple colours, I wanted to make something out of the transitioning. Personally, I think it looks good WITHOUT ruining the whole minimalist effect. Note: Occasionally, it may bug, but the tiles will appear, just without the effect.
SOURCE IS AVAILABLE (On Ludum Dare website), although it is very untidy and cluttered. Don't claim, etc etc. You will be able to see the start of a level editor. I didn't get around to finishing that as it would take to much time.
Game made in Game Maker 8.1.
Enjoy the game - Sab