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This is a 2-Player game. Use the W-A-S-D keys for Bailey and the arrow keys for Candy.


Two long great friends Bailey and Candy lived in a treehouse. Bailey is a yellow bunny wearing red shorts. Candy is a chubby cat with a yellow bow tie.

One day, Bailey had come up with a great idea. He thought he and Candy can play soccer! Candy is very athletic and active when he was playing sports, so Bailey and Candy took 1 on 1 practices on soccer. And then one day, a tournament was been held in Ogriland (the land of ogres) and Bailey and Candy are ready to battle. Will Bailey win? Or will Candy win?

Credit goes to the original developer, Michael Olavarria, for the original character designs as well as the voices of Bailey and Candy. #hockey #bailey #candy #games #eclipia

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