Comments (2)
This is actually kind of interesting. At its core, it's a basic puzzle-platformer with a different way to interact with the environment, and you haven't done anything truly spectacular with it, but I think it has a lot of potential.
If you could improve the UI to show the tune equipped and set the tunes to hotkeys, like 1, 2, or 3, it would flow a lot better. I also think that, if you could intertwine some of what the hero's doing with the NPC's travels, it would be more interesting and you could introduce new gameplay mechanics with that.
I really do like the concept of being the NPC that seems to be everywhere and actually going on the journey to keep up that appearance. What you've got isn't a bad start, and I feel like this could be something great.
I made a video here, if you want to see it.
Bard - Tale of an NPC
Bard is a short platformer game that explains the hard travels of an NPC, you play as a gnomish bard that has to leave the town on a secret path to reach the next town before the hero reaches it.
A = Left
D = Right
W = Jump
Q = Change Tune
Space = Play Tune
Too progress you must destroy obstacles, face gelatinous cubes and awaken ancient floating